Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Canary Islands

This past weekend we spent a relaxing two days in the Canary Islands. After always having to sight see and walk around, it was so nice to have nothing to do besides sit on the beach. There are four islands that are included in "Las Islas Canarias" but we stayed on Gran Canaria. Gran Canaria is situated in the Atlantic Ocean about 93 miles off the coast of Africa. These islands have been Spanish territory since 1478, thanks to Christopher Columbus.

Our hostel was called Pension Plaza and was located in the capital of Gran Canaria, Las Palmas. We later found out that the more tourist-y spot on Gran Canaria was in the southern part of the island, but we were in the north. Regardless, I still had a great time. The beach was beautiful; the water was clear and there was a gorgeous backdrop of mountains. The temperature was high 70s to low 80s with a UV index of 10, so it wasn't unbearably hot, but the sun was very, very strong. Many people on our trip were badly, badly sunburned--except me! Overall, I enjoyed my stay in the Canary Islands and would love to go back and see the other three islands.

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